All in One App - v2.0

Mar 27, 2019 All in One App Feature, Release

Release 2.0 of the All in One App went through several Release Candidates over a period of several weeks, introducing several new features, plus making all code even more stable.

An overview of updates and new features:
- Configurable info panel
- Whisper feature
- Room welcome message
- Dynamic help system
- Modules can now be turned on or off dynamically
- Added commands: /modules and /toggle
- All intervals and times now accept notations 2.5 and 2:30
- Reset default intervals to primes to prevent TMI
- When host/mod calls info commands, intervals are reset
- Added IRC-like commands: /me and /away, just for fun
- Added command: /goalinfo
- Auto-thanks may now be send privately
- Much internal restructuring and reinforcement
- All input parsers are even more lenient and "fool-proof" :)