Follow these steps to prove that you own the CB account and claim your Chaturfier profile:
Models with a claimed profile will have a "claimed profile" badge next to their name, and they have control over their profile on Chaturfier. Additionally, they will be listed in the Chaturfier supporters charts and may add a Chaturfier alert badge on their Chaturbate bio (see below).
Should you be unable to claim your profile, for instance when you have already deleted your Chaturbate account, feel free to contact me (see below).
As a model you can turn off "appear on network sites" in the profile settings of Chaturbate, in the "Settings & Privacy" tab. The next time you go online, Chaturfier will diminish your profile. This minimal profile that will remain on Chaturfier is there only to allow people to add alerts so they will be notified when you appear online: the main functionality of this website. Broadcasters that have this setting turned off will not appear on the cams pages.
Should you want to remove your profile completely, you can opt out of Chaturfier. The profile of a model that has opted out of Chaturfier, appears as deleted and users will not receive online notifications, will not be able to create new alerts and will not be able to add the profile to lists.
To remove your profile, first claim your profile, and then click the "Opt out of Chaturfier" button in the Control profile window and follow the instructions. This operation is not immediately permanent: you may change your mind and opt back in. When you do, the profile will reappear publicly. Users will be able to create new alerts and add you to their lists and will also receive online notifications again.
Note that abandoned profiles will be marked as deleted automatically after 4 months of not broadcasting.
Yes, you can. To remove your profile from all lists, first claim your profile, and then click the "Opt out of lists" button in the Control profile window and follow the instructions. When confirmed, your profile will be removed from any existing lists and users will be prevented from adding your profile to lists in the future.
Note that you can opt back in, but your profile will not be re-added to any lists it was on before.
First of all, as a performer on Chaturbate, why would you? Adding the Chaturfier Alert badge is a service for your audience, to give them easy access to Chaturfier's features, where they have full control over their Chaturbate alert notifications – the main functionality of this website. Your audience will also be able to find your previous online schedule on Chaturfier, amongst other things.
Additionally, adding the Chaturfier Alert badge may be mutually beneficial. When you claim your Chaturfier profile, you will be listed in the Chaturfier supporters charts, which drives more traffic to your shows. If you add the Chaturfier Alert badge to your Chaturbate bio, you would be returning the favor. :)
Now, to add the Chaturfier Alert badge (as shown here on the right), first claim your profile. Afterwards click the "Get badge code" button in the Control profile window. Another window will pop up with some explanation. You may copy & paste the badge code to the end of the "About Me" section in your Chaturbate profile. The badge will be placed at the top right of your bio, just below the "Follow" button. Alternatively you may put the badge into the "Wish Lists" section.
When users click the badge on your CB profile, a new browser window/tab will open, and they will be sent to your profile on Chaturfier. If the user is logged in, an alert will be created automatically, if one does not exist already. Otherwise, the alert will be created after they log in or sign up.
Fill in the broadcaster signup form at Chaturbate.