Chaturfier 5.2.0 - Alert for new blog posts

Feb 03, 2024 Chaturfier Release

To notify you, the users of this service, about changes and updates, a tiny little pulsating red dot will be shown down in the footer at the link to this blog. Every time there is an update, a blog post …

Chaturfier 5.1.0 - Continuation of 5.0

Feb 02, 2024 Chaturfier Bugfix, Feature, Release

Version 5.1.0 is released and is the continuation of update version 5.0.  This previous release had a deadline in order to prevent old session data from being deleted, so some work had to be postponed and moved to a …

Chaturfier 5.0 - Historical data and much more

Jan 22, 2024 Chaturfier Bugfix, Feature, Release

This update of Chaturfier - version 5.0 - adds historical data to the cam profiles!  The session metadata (durations, viewers, position, rankings, etc.) will be archived and accessible through the cam profiles soon.  The start date of the historical data …

Chaturfier 4.32 - Improved tracking

Dec 26, 2023 Chaturfier Bugfix, Release

This update of Chaturfier should improve online tracking of Chaturbate broadcasters. Previously it would happen that some broadcasters would appear offline on Chaturfier, while broadcasting on Chaturbate. This should happen less now. Additionally users should now receive notifications when those …

Chaturfier 4.31 - Customizable status colors

Dec 17, 2023 Chaturfier Feature, Release

This update of Chaturfier adds customizable status colors. The default status colors may not work for everyone, and instead of trying to come up with a color combination that does work, you can now simply configure the colors to your …

Chaturfier 4.30 - Your notes in notifications + some fixes

Dec 13, 2023 Chaturfier Bugfix, Feature, Release

This release adds your private cam notes to the notifications for that cam, as a reminder. This feature is implemented for "informative" (detailed) notifications and the Email and Telegram channels.

Fixes in this release include:

  • Removed the online prediction when …

Maintenance issues

Nov 22, 2023 Chaturfier Technical

Yesterday's maintenance seems to have left the system unstable.  Some pages are slow, information is outdated and notifications are delayed.  The problem is being investigated and hopefully solved soon.

UPDATE: the problem seems to be fixed and everything is running …

Chaturfier 4.29 - Status colors

Sep 19, 2023 Chaturfier Release

This quick release extends and unifies the status colors throughout: badges, graphs, charts.  See the section about status colors on the help page for more info.

Chaturfier 4.28 - Fixed account update issue

Sep 09, 2023 Chaturfier Bugfix, Technical

The automatic account update issue, as reported in the previous blog post, has been fixed. Unfortunately CB had decided to change the format of their reports without notice, so things were not processed correctly anymore. Everything should be back …

Automatic account updates not working

Sep 09, 2023 Chaturfier Technical

Just like last year around this time, the automatic account updates stopped working on September 8 at 18:42 UTC, due to an issue with CB's affiliate reporting. The problem has been reported and hopefully will be fixed swifly...

11 - 20 out of 178 posts