Chaturfier 4.27 - Cleanup

Aug 03, 2023 Chaturfier Release, Technical

This release involved some application cleanup. Nothing really changed and everything should be working fine. If not, please let me know.

Chaturfier 4.26 - Notes and a note on cover girls

Jul 18, 2023 Chaturfier Feature, Release

This new release of Chaturfier adds personal notes and additional AI cover girls. :p

The personal notes can be added to a model's profile page and can only be seen by you. Free accounts have a limited number of notes …

Chaturfier 4.25 - Minor fixes

Jun 13, 2023 Chaturfier Release

This release fixes some small issues related to layout and page optimizations. Additionally all ranking information is removed from profiles of models that (no longer) wish to be on network sites.

Updated banner images

May 31, 2023 Chaturfier

The banner images have been updated again, on the index page, about page, help page and models help page. Don't bother asking who they are this time, because they don't exist in reality: all images have been created with generative …

Chaturfier 4.24.1 - Fixed profile pages

May 27, 2023 Chaturfier Bugfix, Release

The previous release unfortunately wrecked some functionality on the cam profile pages (mainly the charts).

This release rectifies those changes.

Chaturfier 4.24 - Birthdays

May 25, 2023 Chaturfier Feature, Release

This little release adds birthdays to cam profiles plus a section on your personal home that shows upcomming birthdays for the models that you follow. Remember that you can turn on/off the homepage sections in settings. Note that the …

Chaturfier 4.23 - Subscriptions update

Apr 12, 2023 Chaturfier Bugfix, Release

This release adds some processing of subscriptions payment failures by simply sending the user an email when PayPal is unable to handle the automatic payment.

Chaturfier 4.22 - Few small fixes

Mar 16, 2023 Chaturfier Bugfix, Release

The numbers on the statistics page were no longer reflecting reality. This has been fixed, albiet the current and historic numbers are still off. This will autocorrect over time. Presumably...

On your personal home page, when using mobile or small …

Chaturfier 4.21 - Upgraded notifications limits

Mar 15, 2023 Chaturfier Release

Finally, subscriptions are properly rolled out, released, deployed, and the problems that followed have been cleaned up. Yesterday, 14 March between 8 PM and 10 PM UTC, the service was acting up. This was unrelated to previous problems, but a …

Chaturfier 4.20.2 - Cleaned up issues

Mar 14, 2023 Chaturfier Bugfix, Release

The subscriptions release of Chaturfier left the website in a state of disarray: the database was corrupted, some information was lost and some pages were not working anymore. This was due to a rollback that failed. This bugfix release cleans …

21 - 30 out of 178 posts