This bugfix is unrelated to Push notifications, but fixes a long outstanding issue with abandoned accounts and reactivation of those accounts. As it turns out there were two small issues that would cause accounts to be determined as abandoned inacurately …
Chaturfier 4.0 has been released and introduces a new notification channel: Web Push! This allows Chaturfier to send online notifications directly to your mobile or desktop device and browser.
To make Web Push notifications work, you will need …
Unfortunately I had to remove captured images. Lists now show an image of the live steam of the first model that is broadcasting. A future version of Chaturfier will (hopefully) see an opt-in feature for captured images, instead of the …
Finally, Chaturfier version 3.14 has been released! What's in a name, or version... ;-)
So what's new? Here's an overview of changes...
This release updates the home or front page for anonymous users with a bit of explanation …